About Us

Indian Center for Advance - ment of Research and Education, Haldia (ICARE) set up in 1995, is a non-profit making voluntary organization.

Address: ICARE Complex, HIT Campus, P.O.-Hatiberia, Haldia

Course Details

Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering with a Specialization in Data Science at Haldia Institute of Technology.

In an era where data is the new currency and insights drive innovation, our specialized program within the Department of Computer Science & Engineering prepares you to harness the power of information and shape the digital landscape. Here, we nurture the minds of future data scientists who will decode patterns, unlock hidden trends, and drive data-driven decision-making.

In the age of information overload, data scientists are the architects of understanding. This program blends the foundational skills of computer science and engineering with the specialized knowledge of data science, making you proficient in extracting insights from complex datasets.

At the core of our department lies a passion for exploration and a commitment to excellence. We are dedicated to equipping our students with the skills and knowledge they need to engineer solutions that transform raw data into actionable intelligence.